I’m glad you’re here, that you’re reading these lines
and thinking about making me a part of your love story.

I’m glad you’re here, that you’re reading these lines and thinking about making me a part of your love story.

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    Every couple is unique, which is why every video story I tell is uniquely different. To be as faithful to it as I can possibly be, I believe it’s important we get to know each other a bit more. Share your love story with me – from minor details, gestures big or small, to any wishes or dreams you might have. Tell me what you love most about one another (or what you love a bit less), how you imagine your big day, with whom you plan on spending it and where.

    Also, feel free to ask me whatever is on your mind – after all, there are no wrong questions or wishes too small!

    On the other hand, you can email me at
    karlo@capture-pi.com or call me on +385 98 9293299.
    I’m available on Skype as well; it’s always a pleasure to meet
    you before the wedding itself, even if it is just virtually.

    On the other hand, you can email me at karlo@capture-pi.com or call me on +385 98 9293299. I’m available on Skype as well; it’s always a pleasure to meet you before the wedding itself, even if it is just virtually.